A Phrasal of verbs is basically A verb used along with a preposition, Like: up, out, on. Many others prepositions can used in Phrasal verbs.
Phrasal verbs can improve your writing and conversational skill.
English Phrasal verbs meanings in Urdu, Hindi, Roman Urdu.
Phrasal verbs translated into Urdu, Hindi, Roman Urdu.
Read some Interesting Phrasal verbs In English, Urdu, Roman Urdu and Hindi meanings.
Adhere to
Adhere to : English meaning
follow, keep, maintain, respect, observe, be true, fulfil, obey, heed, keep to, abide by, be loyal, mind, be constant, be faithful
Adhere to : Urdu Meaning
پیروی کرنا، برقرار رکھنا، عزت، نگاہ رکھنا، کسی جیز سے بچنا
نگاہ رکھنا، وعدہ پورا کرنا، سچا
Adhere to : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Pervi karna, Barqarar rakhna, Ezat, Nigah rakhna, kisi Chez say bachna, wada pora karna, Sacha
Aim at
Aim at : English meaning
to plan, hope, or intend to achieve something
Aim at : Urdu Meaning
منصوبہ بنانا، امید، کسی چیز کو حاصل کرنے کے لئے توجہ دینا۔
Aim at : Roman Urdu / Hindi
mansoba banana, Umeed, kisi chez ko Hasil karny k liay tawaja dana.
Answer back
Answer back : English meaning
to talk back (to someone); to argue with someone.
Answer back : Urdu Meaning
کسی کو جواب دینا، بچث کرنا، دلیل دینا
Answer back : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi ko jawab dana, Bahas karna, dalel dana.
Answer for
Answer for : English meaning
to explain or justify the actions of someone or some act; to take responsibility or blame for someone or something.
Answer for : Urdu Meaning
کسی کی طرف سے جواب دینا یا جواز پیش کرنا، کسی کی زمہ داری لینا
Answer for : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi ki taraf say jawab dena Ya Jawaz pesh karna, kisi ki zimadari lena.
Ask after
Ask after : English meaning
to inquire about the health and well-being of someone.
Ask after : Urdu Meaning
کسی کے بارے میں پوچھنا، کسی کی خیریت دریافت کرنا۔
Ask after : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi k baray main Pochna, kisi ki Kahriyat daryafat karna.
Ask out
Ask out : English meaning
ask someone out (for something) to invite someone to go out (to something or some place) on a date.
Ask out : Urdu Meaning
کسی کو باہر ملنے کی دعوت دینا، کسی کو اپنے ساتھ باہر جانے کے لئے پوچھنا۔
Ask out : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi ko baher milnay ki dawat dena, kisi ko apnay sath baher jany k liay pochna.
Associate with
Associate with : English meaning
to link someone or something [in one's mind] to someone or something else.
Associate with : Urdu Meaning
دو چیزوں کا آپس میں ربط بنانا، دوستانہ ربط قائم کرنا
Associate with : Roman Urdu / Hindi
do chezon ka apas main rabt qaim karna, dostana rabt qaim karna.
Back out
Back out : English meaning
to withdraw from something, for someone or something,
Back out : Urdu Meaning
کسی معاہدے سے ہٹ جانا، اپنے الفاظ وآپس لے لینا، پیچھے ہٹنا۔
Back out : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi mohaeday say hat jana, apnay alfaz wapis lena, pechay hatna.
Back me
Back me : English meaning
Resort me, sport me, encourage me
Back me : Urdu Meaning
سہارا دینے کی درخواست کرنا، تسلی دینا۔
Back me : Roman Urdu / Hindi
sahara denay ki darkhwast karna, tasali dena
Bank on
bank on : English meaning
to expect or rely with confidence on : you can bank on him always arriving on time.
bank on : Urdu Meaning
کسی پر توقع رکھنا، کسی پر اعتماد ہونا
bank on : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi par tawaqa rakhna, kisi per atmad hona.
Be after
Be after : English meaning
have the will and intention to carry out some action
Be after : Urdu Meaning
ارادہ رکھنا، کسی چیز کو مکمل کرنے کے لئے توجہ دینا
Be after : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Irada Rakhna, kisi chez ko mukmal karny k liay tawaja dena.
Be made for
Be made for : English meaning
to be exactly suitable for someone or something : Tariq and Aaliya seem to be made for each other.
Be made for : Urdu Meaning
خاص طور پر کسی کے لئے ہونا، یا خاص طور پر کی چیز کے لئے ہونا
Be made for : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Khas tor par kisi k liay hona, ya Khas to per kisi chez k liay hona
Be made for
Be made for : English meaning
to be exactly suitable for someone or something : Tariq and Aaliya seem to be made for each other.
Be made for : Urdu Meaning
خاص طور پر کسی کے لئے ہونا، یا خاص طور پر کی چیز کے لئے ہونا
Be made for : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Khas tor par kisi k liay hona, ya Khas to per kisi chez k liay hona
5 interesting Phrasal verbs in english, Urdu, Roman Urdu and hindi. You would love to use in your conversation
Beef up
Beef up : English meaning
to increase or improve something, or to make it more interesting. ( The organization plans to beef up its marketing effort.)
Beef up : Urdu Meaning
بڑھانا یا کسی چیز میں بہتری لانا، کسی چیز میں زیادہ دلچسپی لینا۔
Beef up : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Barhana, Ya kisi chez main bahtari lana, kisi chez main ziyada dilchaspi lana.
Bristle at
Bristle at : English meaning
To show anger or indignation. ( She bristled at his insolent remarks.)
Bristle at : Urdu Meaning
غصہ دکھانا، ناراضگی کا اظہار کرنا۔
Bristle at : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Gosa Dikhana, Narazgi ka Izhar karna.
Clam up
Clam up : English meaning
To say nothing, Closing one's mouth in the way that a clam closes up. ( The minute they got him in for questioning, he clammed up. )
Clam up : Urdu Meaning
کچھ نہ کہنا، کسی کا منہ اس طرح بند ہونا جیسے تالا لگا ہو۔
Clam up : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Kuch na kehna, kisi ka mun iss tarhan band hona jasy tala laga ho
Size up
Size up : English meaning
To size someone or something up, To observe someone or something to get information; to check someone or something out. ( The comedian sized the audience up and decided not to use his new material. )
Size up : Urdu Meaning
کسی چیز کو بڑھانا، معلومات کے لئے کسی چیز یا کسی کو دیکھنا
Size up : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi chez ko barhana, maloomat k liay kisi chez ya kisi ko dakhna.
Crow about
Crow about : English meaning
To crow about something, To brag about something. ( Stop crowing about your successes! )
Crow about : Urdu Meaning
کسی چیز کے بیچھے پڑ جانا، یا کسی بات کو نہ چھوڑنا۔
Crow about : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi chez k pechay par jana, kisi bate ko na chorna.
10 interesting Phrasal verbs you would love to use in your conversation - English Grammar Lesson.
Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. Think of them as you would any other English vocabulary. Study them as you come across them, rather than trying to memorize many at once. Use the list below as a reference guide when you find an expression that you don't recognize. The examples will help you understand the meanings. If you think of each phrasal verb as a separate verb with a specific meaning, you will be able to remember it more easily.
Phrasal verbs can improve your writing and conversational skill.
English Phrasal verbs meanings in Urdu, Hindi, Roman Urdu.
Phrasal verbs translated into Urdu, Hindi, Roman Urdu.
Read some Interesting Phrasal verbs In English, Urdu, Roman Urdu and Hindi meanings.
Adhere to
Adhere to : English meaning
follow, keep, maintain, respect, observe, be true, fulfil, obey, heed, keep to, abide by, be loyal, mind, be constant, be faithful
Adhere to : Urdu Meaning
پیروی کرنا، برقرار رکھنا، عزت، نگاہ رکھنا، کسی جیز سے بچنا
نگاہ رکھنا، وعدہ پورا کرنا، سچا
Adhere to : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Pervi karna, Barqarar rakhna, Ezat, Nigah rakhna, kisi Chez say bachna, wada pora karna, Sacha
Aim at
Aim at : English meaning
to plan, hope, or intend to achieve something
Aim at : Urdu Meaning
منصوبہ بنانا، امید، کسی چیز کو حاصل کرنے کے لئے توجہ دینا۔
Aim at : Roman Urdu / Hindi
mansoba banana, Umeed, kisi chez ko Hasil karny k liay tawaja dana.
Answer back
Answer back : English meaning
to talk back (to someone); to argue with someone.
Answer back : Urdu Meaning
کسی کو جواب دینا، بچث کرنا، دلیل دینا
Answer back : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi ko jawab dana, Bahas karna, dalel dana.
Answer for
Answer for : English meaning
to explain or justify the actions of someone or some act; to take responsibility or blame for someone or something.
Answer for : Urdu Meaning
کسی کی طرف سے جواب دینا یا جواز پیش کرنا، کسی کی زمہ داری لینا
Answer for : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi ki taraf say jawab dena Ya Jawaz pesh karna, kisi ki zimadari lena.
Ask after
Ask after : English meaning
to inquire about the health and well-being of someone.
Ask after : Urdu Meaning
کسی کے بارے میں پوچھنا، کسی کی خیریت دریافت کرنا۔
Ask after : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi k baray main Pochna, kisi ki Kahriyat daryafat karna.
Ask out
Ask out : English meaning
ask someone out (for something) to invite someone to go out (to something or some place) on a date.
Ask out : Urdu Meaning
کسی کو باہر ملنے کی دعوت دینا، کسی کو اپنے ساتھ باہر جانے کے لئے پوچھنا۔
Ask out : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi ko baher milnay ki dawat dena, kisi ko apnay sath baher jany k liay pochna.
Associate with
Associate with : English meaning
to link someone or something [in one's mind] to someone or something else.
Associate with : Urdu Meaning
دو چیزوں کا آپس میں ربط بنانا، دوستانہ ربط قائم کرنا
Associate with : Roman Urdu / Hindi
do chezon ka apas main rabt qaim karna, dostana rabt qaim karna.
Back out
Back out : English meaning
to withdraw from something, for someone or something,
Back out : Urdu Meaning
کسی معاہدے سے ہٹ جانا، اپنے الفاظ وآپس لے لینا، پیچھے ہٹنا۔
Back out : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi mohaeday say hat jana, apnay alfaz wapis lena, pechay hatna.
Back me
Back me : English meaning
Resort me, sport me, encourage me
Back me : Urdu Meaning
سہارا دینے کی درخواست کرنا، تسلی دینا۔
Back me : Roman Urdu / Hindi
sahara denay ki darkhwast karna, tasali dena
Bank on
bank on : English meaning
to expect or rely with confidence on : you can bank on him always arriving on time.
bank on : Urdu Meaning
کسی پر توقع رکھنا، کسی پر اعتماد ہونا
bank on : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi par tawaqa rakhna, kisi per atmad hona.
Be after
Be after : English meaning
have the will and intention to carry out some action
Be after : Urdu Meaning
ارادہ رکھنا، کسی چیز کو مکمل کرنے کے لئے توجہ دینا
Be after : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Irada Rakhna, kisi chez ko mukmal karny k liay tawaja dena.
Be made for
Be made for : English meaning
to be exactly suitable for someone or something : Tariq and Aaliya seem to be made for each other.
Be made for : Urdu Meaning
خاص طور پر کسی کے لئے ہونا، یا خاص طور پر کی چیز کے لئے ہونا
Be made for : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Khas tor par kisi k liay hona, ya Khas to per kisi chez k liay hona
Be made for
Be made for : English meaning
to be exactly suitable for someone or something : Tariq and Aaliya seem to be made for each other.
Be made for : Urdu Meaning
خاص طور پر کسی کے لئے ہونا، یا خاص طور پر کی چیز کے لئے ہونا
Be made for : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Khas tor par kisi k liay hona, ya Khas to per kisi chez k liay hona
5 interesting Phrasal verbs in english, Urdu, Roman Urdu and hindi. You would love to use in your conversation
Beef up
Beef up : English meaning
to increase or improve something, or to make it more interesting. ( The organization plans to beef up its marketing effort.)
Beef up : Urdu Meaning
بڑھانا یا کسی چیز میں بہتری لانا، کسی چیز میں زیادہ دلچسپی لینا۔
Beef up : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Barhana, Ya kisi chez main bahtari lana, kisi chez main ziyada dilchaspi lana.
Bristle at
Bristle at : English meaning
To show anger or indignation. ( She bristled at his insolent remarks.)
Bristle at : Urdu Meaning
غصہ دکھانا، ناراضگی کا اظہار کرنا۔
Bristle at : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Gosa Dikhana, Narazgi ka Izhar karna.
Clam up
Clam up : English meaning
To say nothing, Closing one's mouth in the way that a clam closes up. ( The minute they got him in for questioning, he clammed up. )
Clam up : Urdu Meaning
کچھ نہ کہنا، کسی کا منہ اس طرح بند ہونا جیسے تالا لگا ہو۔
Clam up : Roman Urdu / Hindi
Kuch na kehna, kisi ka mun iss tarhan band hona jasy tala laga ho
Size up
Size up : English meaning
To size someone or something up, To observe someone or something to get information; to check someone or something out. ( The comedian sized the audience up and decided not to use his new material. )
Size up : Urdu Meaning
کسی چیز کو بڑھانا، معلومات کے لئے کسی چیز یا کسی کو دیکھنا
Size up : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi chez ko barhana, maloomat k liay kisi chez ya kisi ko dakhna.
Crow about
Crow about : English meaning
To crow about something, To brag about something. ( Stop crowing about your successes! )
Crow about : Urdu Meaning
کسی چیز کے بیچھے پڑ جانا، یا کسی بات کو نہ چھوڑنا۔
Crow about : Roman Urdu / Hindi
kisi chez k pechay par jana, kisi bate ko na chorna.
10 interesting Phrasal verbs you would love to use in your conversation - English Grammar Lesson.
Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. Think of them as you would any other English vocabulary. Study them as you come across them, rather than trying to memorize many at once. Use the list below as a reference guide when you find an expression that you don't recognize. The examples will help you understand the meanings. If you think of each phrasal verb as a separate verb with a specific meaning, you will be able to remember it more easily.

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