Right when you feel that nothing has left at this planet to surprise and wonder, something comes out of no where and left the whole world in shock. In developed countries, such incidents entice people to do research about the phenomena hence comes some valid solution to the mystery. However, the third world countries look at such incidents from another angle.
Such was the case with this news story as a goat gave birth to a baby goat that had human shape exactly. This happened in India where people are already at peak of superstition. What happened after the news spread is totally hilarious. This will shake your soul and make you think about the mentality of human beings.
Human shaped goat born and worshipped in India
According to reports, this baby goat has been given the status of goddess and people have started worshiping it. The most disgusting thing is that the news channels of India have also spiced up the matter and gave it so much importance that it locked the attentions all over country. This tells all about the claim of Rising and shining India.
However, there is nothing to be proud of Pakistan as well. People are even more ignorant and superstitious here. The increasing number of fake saint and quacks frauds are the proof of this fact. God has bestowed knowledge and reason upon mankind. It is time to use the reason and thin about such incidents. There is much more to learn than to be amazed.
Unfortunately, the unprofessionalism of media has made this purely medical science case a religious affair. Medical experts believe that it is a rare genetic disorder and it happens even to human being. Every second day some report gets out about some disfigured human baby. However, it seems the sanity has no chance to prevail in India as people are gathering to see this miracle with their own eyes.
Being Muslim we believe that such incidents happen to make us feel the presence of God. He who sends and directs every soul not only this planet but others as well. Embryology is a complex branch of knowledge which deals with the genetics. Quran has many verses that cover this subject as well.
There are many hints about the child growth in mother’s womb and one thinks that such vital information was passed to us almost fourteen centuries ago. Remember, there were no labs and medical advancement in that period still the accuracy of these verses keep you amazed. It not only provides you many answers but strengthen your belief in God as well.
Such was the case with this news story as a goat gave birth to a baby goat that had human shape exactly. This happened in India where people are already at peak of superstition. What happened after the news spread is totally hilarious. This will shake your soul and make you think about the mentality of human beings.
Human shaped goat born and worshipped in India
According to reports, this baby goat has been given the status of goddess and people have started worshiping it. The most disgusting thing is that the news channels of India have also spiced up the matter and gave it so much importance that it locked the attentions all over country. This tells all about the claim of Rising and shining India.
However, there is nothing to be proud of Pakistan as well. People are even more ignorant and superstitious here. The increasing number of fake saint and quacks frauds are the proof of this fact. God has bestowed knowledge and reason upon mankind. It is time to use the reason and thin about such incidents. There is much more to learn than to be amazed.
Unfortunately, the unprofessionalism of media has made this purely medical science case a religious affair. Medical experts believe that it is a rare genetic disorder and it happens even to human being. Every second day some report gets out about some disfigured human baby. However, it seems the sanity has no chance to prevail in India as people are gathering to see this miracle with their own eyes.
Being Muslim we believe that such incidents happen to make us feel the presence of God. He who sends and directs every soul not only this planet but others as well. Embryology is a complex branch of knowledge which deals with the genetics. Quran has many verses that cover this subject as well.
There are many hints about the child growth in mother’s womb and one thinks that such vital information was passed to us almost fourteen centuries ago. Remember, there were no labs and medical advancement in that period still the accuracy of these verses keep you amazed. It not only provides you many answers but strengthen your belief in God as well.

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