Man Survives Public Hanging Twice in Iran, Will be Hanged Again ??
اسے آپ خدا کی قدرت کہیں یا کچھ اور، ایک بندے کو دو بار پھانسی لگی اور وہ دونوں دفعہ بچ گیا، ویڈیو دیکھ کر آپ بھی حیران رہ جائے گے

Rouhani vowed to end the repression of the previous regime, but human rights groups have said executions have actually increased under his rule.
Iran has the highest rate of executions per capita and puts to death more people annually than any nation except China.
Iran has the highest rate of executions per capita and puts to death more people annually than any nation except China.
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