Australia: Tribes of Papua New Guinea, a country of Australia where people still live in jungles, have been practicing a very unique but unethical way of curing dead bodies of their relatives since ages. The tribes consisting on many villages do this act for their protection from evil spirits and it has become one of their traditions.
In Australia, one of the modern counties, people bury the dead bodies of their loves ones and people cannot burn the bodies according to country’s law. But still there are few backward areas where people are living in Stone Age. No matter how much outer world has changed and what kinds of laws are introduced, these tribes never compromise on their traditions and beliefs.
Whenever a person dies, the relatives of dead person hand over the body to the leader of tribe. Instead of burying or firing the body, the leader orders his special followers to mix chemicals into body thoroughly and cut the upper skin of the body. The eyes have also been brought out and they stitch the open areas like nose, mouth, ears to minimize the chances of air going through the body.
After stitching the body of dead person, the villagers of the tribe tied the body with rope and lightly burn the body on low heat until all the water absorbed. The body hands over to the relatives once the procedure of curing body completed. After receiving the body, the relatives hang the body at the entrance of village with long bamboo.
You find many fresh and old dead bodies hanging with bamboos at every entry point of village and the tribes claim that few of the bodies are thousands of years old. The dead bodies are actually mummies but not in well cured or preserved form like the mummies of ancient Egypt. Nonetheless the belief of these tribes of Australia, humiliation of dead bodies in that manner should not be practiced anymore.
In Australia, one of the modern counties, people bury the dead bodies of their loves ones and people cannot burn the bodies according to country’s law. But still there are few backward areas where people are living in Stone Age. No matter how much outer world has changed and what kinds of laws are introduced, these tribes never compromise on their traditions and beliefs.
Whenever a person dies, the relatives of dead person hand over the body to the leader of tribe. Instead of burying or firing the body, the leader orders his special followers to mix chemicals into body thoroughly and cut the upper skin of the body. The eyes have also been brought out and they stitch the open areas like nose, mouth, ears to minimize the chances of air going through the body.
After stitching the body of dead person, the villagers of the tribe tied the body with rope and lightly burn the body on low heat until all the water absorbed. The body hands over to the relatives once the procedure of curing body completed. After receiving the body, the relatives hang the body at the entrance of village with long bamboo.
You find many fresh and old dead bodies hanging with bamboos at every entry point of village and the tribes claim that few of the bodies are thousands of years old. The dead bodies are actually mummies but not in well cured or preserved form like the mummies of ancient Egypt. Nonetheless the belief of these tribes of Australia, humiliation of dead bodies in that manner should not be practiced anymore.

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