Another stunning story of the Society in Which 10 years old girl forced into prostitution. Mother the girl is also involved in this case.
ARY news Program Sar e Aam, Dated 10 January 2015.
Watch the full Program which is hosted by Iqrar ul Hassan.
An Eye Opening Program by Sar e aam team.
dailymotion video
Sar e Aam 10 January 2015 (Sar e Aam Team 10 Saal Ki Bachi Ko Zulm Ke Daldal Se Nikal Lai)
Watch latest Sar e Aam – 10th January 2015
ARY news Program Sar e Aam, Dated 10 January 2015.
Watch the full Program which is hosted by Iqrar ul Hassan.
An Eye Opening Program by Sar e aam team.
dailymotion video
Sar e Aam 10 January 2015 (Sar e Aam Team 10 Saal Ki Bachi Ko Zulm Ke Daldal Se Nikal Lai)
Watch latest Sar e Aam – 10th January 2015
playwire video.

سرعام کی ٹیم نے ایک اور 10 سالہ بچی کو ظلم کی دلدل سے نکال لیا۔ بچی کو اس کی ماں نے بیچ دیا تھا۔ اور بھائی اس کے جسم کی کمائی کے لئے پیسے لینے آتا۔
ظلم کی ایک ایسی داستان جو آپ کو ہلا کے رکھ دے گی۔
ظلم کی ایک ایسی داستان جو آپ کو ہلا کے رکھ دے گی۔
Sometimes when we think that human beings have become more civilized, something comes and becomes blot on our face. Pakistan being an Islamic state is expected to become a model for other countries but things happen here that are enough to lower our heads. Same is the case with this shocking news of parents selling their own daughter.
Upon asking the parents denied that they sold their daughter. Well, yes they did not because they handed over her against 3 hundred thousand monthly rent. Yes, you read it absolutely right. Check out this shocking hidden camera footage that will give you many sleepless nights thinking how parents can do this to their daughter.
This video chunk has been taken from a famous investigative program “Sar-e-Aam”. It was aired yesterday on ARY news and it literally shocked the whole nation. When they dig deep, the team found that it is a complete mafia who kidnap girls and force them for prostitution. This ill-fated girl was just ten years old and she was completely unaware what they are doing with her.
Now the story must not end on this as it cannot be done without help of people in power. This mafia must have support of black sheep in law enforcement agencies. Now every one must be unveiled and they should be brought to justice. Nation needs answer now that who disgraces our daughters.
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