Cow (Cattle) sometimes behaves like human beings and likes to make relations with each other. People often don’t observe cows much and they only rely on using milk, beef and other products. Besides its beverages and products, cow shows intelligence on few occasions and sometimes can surprise you with different acts.
Cow is treated differently in different parts of the world and some people worship this animal and take care more than their children whereas other people use cows for different purposes. In Asia farmers utilize cows for harvesting, beverages and products. Although they don’t worship this animal but still care very much.
The close relation with human beings affects the cows and they have learnt many things which bring many changes to them. The intelligence level of cows has also increased and sometimes this animal surprises people a lot. Although you won’t expect incredible stunts from cattle but still you feel pleasure from their acts.
In countryside a cow mesmerized everyone through her intelligence behavior. She acted according to the situation and got the desired result after bit struggle. The cow was thirsty and the hand pump was the only solution for this problem. There was not a single drop of water in storage pit and no one was near the cow to help her.
The cow showed intelligence at that difficult moment and went near to water hand pump. She slowly moved the handle of pump with her horns and it did work for her. The water came out from water hand pump and she drank it. The cow repeated the procedure few more times until her thirst was over. It was a brilliant intelligent work of the cow.
The owner of that cow recorded these moments in camera and he deliberately didn’t help the animal because he wanted to show the intelligence level of cow to the world. The visuals will surely mesmerize you and you might replace the old story title Thirst Crow with Thirsty Cow.
Intelligent Cow Showing Intelligence
Apparently cow seems very simple and generous animal but it is not hundred percent true. The cows are not just simple animals; they are very fascinating and can surprise you any time. Very few people know that there are few very interesting similarities between human beings and cows which make these animals attractive for many people.
Like human beings cow is a social animal which loves to make friends, bonds and relations with other herd members. The cows can make good relation with other herd members and also can have grudges for long years. Their hearing and visions are better than human beings and on many occasions these animals have shown intelligence.
An example about the intelligence of cows will give the right idea on how these animals surprise people. In countryside of South Asia, a thirsty cow surprised every person through her genius work. The cow was searching for water and the owner wasn’t at home to facilitate her. Only the children of the owner were at home but couldn’t help to fetch water for the animal.
There was a water hand pump erected in the middle of lawn at home and it seemed the only source to fetch water. The cow slowly walked towards it and used her horns to move the handle of hand pump to get water. The technique worked well for animal and the water came out from the pump. Thirsty cow drank the water from it many times.
The intelligent cow applied this brilliant technique many times to drink water until she removed her thirst. The intelligent move of thirsty cow surprised every person presented at home and one of the children recorded these visuals in camera. This incident proves that cow is not just a simple animal; she has few fascinating abilities to surprise the world.
Cow is treated differently in different parts of the world and some people worship this animal and take care more than their children whereas other people use cows for different purposes. In Asia farmers utilize cows for harvesting, beverages and products. Although they don’t worship this animal but still care very much.
The close relation with human beings affects the cows and they have learnt many things which bring many changes to them. The intelligence level of cows has also increased and sometimes this animal surprises people a lot. Although you won’t expect incredible stunts from cattle but still you feel pleasure from their acts.
In countryside a cow mesmerized everyone through her intelligence behavior. She acted according to the situation and got the desired result after bit struggle. The cow was thirsty and the hand pump was the only solution for this problem. There was not a single drop of water in storage pit and no one was near the cow to help her.
The cow showed intelligence at that difficult moment and went near to water hand pump. She slowly moved the handle of pump with her horns and it did work for her. The water came out from water hand pump and she drank it. The cow repeated the procedure few more times until her thirst was over. It was a brilliant intelligent work of the cow.
The owner of that cow recorded these moments in camera and he deliberately didn’t help the animal because he wanted to show the intelligence level of cow to the world. The visuals will surely mesmerize you and you might replace the old story title Thirst Crow with Thirsty Cow.
Intelligent Cow Showing Intelligence
اس گائے نے تو سب کو حیران کر دیا۔ وڈیو دیکھیں۔
Cow Surprises Every PersonApparently cow seems very simple and generous animal but it is not hundred percent true. The cows are not just simple animals; they are very fascinating and can surprise you any time. Very few people know that there are few very interesting similarities between human beings and cows which make these animals attractive for many people.
Like human beings cow is a social animal which loves to make friends, bonds and relations with other herd members. The cows can make good relation with other herd members and also can have grudges for long years. Their hearing and visions are better than human beings and on many occasions these animals have shown intelligence.
An example about the intelligence of cows will give the right idea on how these animals surprise people. In countryside of South Asia, a thirsty cow surprised every person through her genius work. The cow was searching for water and the owner wasn’t at home to facilitate her. Only the children of the owner were at home but couldn’t help to fetch water for the animal.
There was a water hand pump erected in the middle of lawn at home and it seemed the only source to fetch water. The cow slowly walked towards it and used her horns to move the handle of hand pump to get water. The technique worked well for animal and the water came out from the pump. Thirsty cow drank the water from it many times.
The intelligent cow applied this brilliant technique many times to drink water until she removed her thirst. The intelligent move of thirsty cow surprised every person presented at home and one of the children recorded these visuals in camera. This incident proves that cow is not just a simple animal; she has few fascinating abilities to surprise the world.

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