Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Department has issued Notification No. SO(FR)FD/9-92/2005/Vol-V dated 30-05-2013 in connection with Clarification Regarding 365 Days Leave Encashment In Case of Death of the Employee and Invalidation of the Employee. It is stated that a question has been raised whether leave encashment for 365 days has been extended to the family of a civil servant who dies during service or is declared permanently incapacitated. It is clarified that amendments in Rule 20 of Revised Leave Rules 1981 of the Provincial Government have been made in pursuance of the amedments made in Rule 17 and 18 (A) of the Revised Leave Rules Federal Govt which pertains to encashment of leave preparatory to retirement in respect of the retiring Government servants. The existing provision of Rule 21(1) of the Revised Leave Rules 1981 pertaining to death cases and retirement on medical grounds have not been amended and is therefore reproduced as under:
“In case a civil servant dies, or is declared permanently incapacitated for further service by a Medical Board, while in service, a lump sum payment equal to leave pay upto to 180 days out of leave at his credit shall be made to his family as defined for purpose of family pension or as the case may be to the civil servant.”
Hence in terms of Rule 21(1) mentioned above, the family of a civil servant who dies during service or is declared incapacitated for further service is entitled for encashment of 180 days only.
“In case a civil servant dies, or is declared permanently incapacitated for further service by a Medical Board, while in service, a lump sum payment equal to leave pay upto to 180 days out of leave at his credit shall be made to his family as defined for purpose of family pension or as the case may be to the civil servant.”
Hence in terms of Rule 21(1) mentioned above, the family of a civil servant who dies during service or is declared incapacitated for further service is entitled for encashment of 180 days only.

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