Two months ago, one amateur video that was made by mobile regarding VIP Culture spread over the country through social media and it became viral instantly. The video was about the two important persons one was the ex-interior minister Rehman Malik and other one was PML-N legislator Ramesh Kumar. These two VIPs personalities became disputed when they gave order to the flight company not to take off the flight as they were on their way. So on their arrival in the plane; they were welcomed with the sound of “shame shame” by passengers. Even one passenger rapaciously said that people have been tired by affording it for last 68 years now it should be finish. This incident is the result of those injustice and cruelties that are being practiced by our politicians on daily basis. It is not an event to forget it is the signal to the VIPs that now they will have to change their mentality and stop to think the public as petty and frivolous things.
Pakistan faced too many hardships when it achieved independence in 1947. From the day one of independence, it is facing the unfairness and prejudice in the form of so called faked election process and debaucheries of bureaucracy. Pakistan itself never ever faced the real form of democracy in it. The rulers who came into power from the day one all were corrupt and their policies were only for themselves and their beloved ones. They all destroyed the democratic values and principles either they were politicians or khakis. They ruled over it with their liking and disliking and put it on the verge of destruction.
The VIP culture in the developed countries is taken as undignified because it rejects the concept of equality. Unfortunately, in Pakistan this painful culture is practicing to show the dignity and taking it as status symbol. A small group of society is enjoying the whole privileges as they are getting the protocols of police vans with empty roads everywhere they want to go. This special kind of behavior disturbs the self respect of the ordinary citizen by creating the difference in society. Due to these blatant shameful realities, this so called VIP culture should be vanished and thrown out of the country. It is necessary to mention here that VIP culture is necessary for those top personalities who are sitting at the high seats of the country including Prime Minister, Chief Minister, Ministers and bureaucrats. These personalities have the right to have special securities and definitely treated them as VIP but in duty hours. Here we have seen this practice not only after duty hours but also their families are being enjoyed this luxurious lifestyle by using the money of taxpayers.
Undoubtedly, in Pakistan the VIP culture is prevalent. It can be seen on their motorcades with wave flags of elected parliamentarians, military officials, high ranking police and bureaucrats with their loud sirens differentiating their privileges rather than an ordinary citizen of the country. People of the big cities have been used to to afford it on daily basis as they have to wait as big caravans are going on their ways on every main road of the city. This whole ongoing process is the big reason to create difference between ordinary persons and public servants. There are many incidences that have been reported where ambulances got stuck badly due to these VIP movements and the patients lost their lives without reaching the hospitals in time.
Facilitating these types of protocols to number of offices across the country, institutions are facing the problem of less portion of police force to protect the ordinary citizens. Because most of the resources of police forces are deployed to secure our VIPs that gives easy approach to culprit for crime. With the unequal divisions of state resources, it leaves the ordinary citizen to face the atrocities of the tyrant elements and the public feel no safety in streets and even at home. How ridiculous is this! Taxpayers are trying to get the necessities to sustain the life and VIPs are getting luxuries by selling the blood of common person.
Now everybody in Pakistan wants to good bye this VIP culture and wishing the whole VIPs treated as in the developed countries. Public wants to see their VIPs using the public transport, obeying the rules of traffic and should be treated as the common ones by all means. The time has to come functioning the real democracy in our beloved country setting aside all high ranks officials, parliamentarians and land lords treating them in the same stick as the common ones.
It is the need of hour to take high steps regarding to dismantle the strongholds of the VIPs so that they can understand how they are violating the principles of real democracy. They should realize about the efforts of common person to get amenities in his life. They must know the hardships about the citizens which they are facing in their everyday life.
At the end, I must say one thing that VIPs culture is no more than a curse over the much deserved people in Pakistan. We should rollback it and think collectively to change our miserable conditions by changing our mindsets. VIPs culture is used only for the captured territory not for the independent ones.
Rehman Malik thrown off flight by passengers keeping it delayed.
Pakistan faced too many hardships when it achieved independence in 1947. From the day one of independence, it is facing the unfairness and prejudice in the form of so called faked election process and debaucheries of bureaucracy. Pakistan itself never ever faced the real form of democracy in it. The rulers who came into power from the day one all were corrupt and their policies were only for themselves and their beloved ones. They all destroyed the democratic values and principles either they were politicians or khakis. They ruled over it with their liking and disliking and put it on the verge of destruction.
The VIP culture in the developed countries is taken as undignified because it rejects the concept of equality. Unfortunately, in Pakistan this painful culture is practicing to show the dignity and taking it as status symbol. A small group of society is enjoying the whole privileges as they are getting the protocols of police vans with empty roads everywhere they want to go. This special kind of behavior disturbs the self respect of the ordinary citizen by creating the difference in society. Due to these blatant shameful realities, this so called VIP culture should be vanished and thrown out of the country. It is necessary to mention here that VIP culture is necessary for those top personalities who are sitting at the high seats of the country including Prime Minister, Chief Minister, Ministers and bureaucrats. These personalities have the right to have special securities and definitely treated them as VIP but in duty hours. Here we have seen this practice not only after duty hours but also their families are being enjoyed this luxurious lifestyle by using the money of taxpayers.
Undoubtedly, in Pakistan the VIP culture is prevalent. It can be seen on their motorcades with wave flags of elected parliamentarians, military officials, high ranking police and bureaucrats with their loud sirens differentiating their privileges rather than an ordinary citizen of the country. People of the big cities have been used to to afford it on daily basis as they have to wait as big caravans are going on their ways on every main road of the city. This whole ongoing process is the big reason to create difference between ordinary persons and public servants. There are many incidences that have been reported where ambulances got stuck badly due to these VIP movements and the patients lost their lives without reaching the hospitals in time.
Facilitating these types of protocols to number of offices across the country, institutions are facing the problem of less portion of police force to protect the ordinary citizens. Because most of the resources of police forces are deployed to secure our VIPs that gives easy approach to culprit for crime. With the unequal divisions of state resources, it leaves the ordinary citizen to face the atrocities of the tyrant elements and the public feel no safety in streets and even at home. How ridiculous is this! Taxpayers are trying to get the necessities to sustain the life and VIPs are getting luxuries by selling the blood of common person.
Now everybody in Pakistan wants to good bye this VIP culture and wishing the whole VIPs treated as in the developed countries. Public wants to see their VIPs using the public transport, obeying the rules of traffic and should be treated as the common ones by all means. The time has to come functioning the real democracy in our beloved country setting aside all high ranks officials, parliamentarians and land lords treating them in the same stick as the common ones.
It is the need of hour to take high steps regarding to dismantle the strongholds of the VIPs so that they can understand how they are violating the principles of real democracy. They should realize about the efforts of common person to get amenities in his life. They must know the hardships about the citizens which they are facing in their everyday life.
At the end, I must say one thing that VIPs culture is no more than a curse over the much deserved people in Pakistan. We should rollback it and think collectively to change our miserable conditions by changing our mindsets. VIPs culture is used only for the captured territory not for the independent ones.
Rehman Malik thrown off flight by passengers keeping it delayed.

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