The US Navy boosted its underwater capability by introducing Drone shaped like shark fish for surveillance missions. According to the sources, after successful testing of shark fish drone US Navy included it in the fleet for multipurpose including spying, clearing underwater mines and finding new passages for submarines.
US military officials called it the beginning of new era in US Naval history. With the interesting invention of shark fish drone, the start-of-the-art will change the course of the world. The US military named this unmanned underwater drone as GhostSwimmer and the officials hopping that it will allow the navy to carry the range of missions effectively while keeping sailor and divers safe.
GhostSwimmer, with the weight of 100 lb and 5 feet length, can dive to more than 300 feet deep into the sea without controlled by any device. The GhostSwimmer drone can move same like the shark fish while transmitting the date in real times and it can swim without any control but can be linked with laptop if required.
The underwater unmanned drone was designed by Boston Engineering to help the divers and sailors while going for missions. It keeps the sailors out of danger and works far more effectively than the divers. It won’t be wrong calling GhostSwimmer drone as science-fiction-turned-reality project for developing underwater unmanned vehicles to boost the capability of navy for surveillance missions.
The director of Boston Engineering Michael Rufo says in an interview that GhostSwimmer drone works like a shark fish and oscillates its tail fin forth and back. It will assist the US Navy in launching its mission and at the same time will gather important data in real time.
Apart from assisting in underwater surveillance missions, the GhostSwimmer can also be used for weather prediction and underwater temperature. According to Boston Engineering the usage of underwater unmanned vehicles is not restricted just for military missions; it can be used for observing the underwater life of different spices.
GhostSwimmer can help the experts to take measurement for the protection of underwater mammals and spices. The director of Advance System Group at Boston Engineering stated that this technology will be replaced by California sea lions and bottlenose dolphins in the future.
The advance shape of this technology in the shape of dolphins and sea lions will help the US Navy to recover equipments and will prevent the submarines from destruction by spotting underwater mines.
US military officials called it the beginning of new era in US Naval history. With the interesting invention of shark fish drone, the start-of-the-art will change the course of the world. The US military named this unmanned underwater drone as GhostSwimmer and the officials hopping that it will allow the navy to carry the range of missions effectively while keeping sailor and divers safe.
GhostSwimmer, with the weight of 100 lb and 5 feet length, can dive to more than 300 feet deep into the sea without controlled by any device. The GhostSwimmer drone can move same like the shark fish while transmitting the date in real times and it can swim without any control but can be linked with laptop if required.
The underwater unmanned drone was designed by Boston Engineering to help the divers and sailors while going for missions. It keeps the sailors out of danger and works far more effectively than the divers. It won’t be wrong calling GhostSwimmer drone as science-fiction-turned-reality project for developing underwater unmanned vehicles to boost the capability of navy for surveillance missions.
The director of Boston Engineering Michael Rufo says in an interview that GhostSwimmer drone works like a shark fish and oscillates its tail fin forth and back. It will assist the US Navy in launching its mission and at the same time will gather important data in real time.
Apart from assisting in underwater surveillance missions, the GhostSwimmer can also be used for weather prediction and underwater temperature. According to Boston Engineering the usage of underwater unmanned vehicles is not restricted just for military missions; it can be used for observing the underwater life of different spices.
GhostSwimmer can help the experts to take measurement for the protection of underwater mammals and spices. The director of Advance System Group at Boston Engineering stated that this technology will be replaced by California sea lions and bottlenose dolphins in the future.
The advance shape of this technology in the shape of dolphins and sea lions will help the US Navy to recover equipments and will prevent the submarines from destruction by spotting underwater mines.

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