Political system one of the biggest problem of Pakistan. As we know man can not live without society. The purpose of living in society is to cooperate with each other so we have to accept all those criticism and truth which the society lays down for its members.
Now a days government is criticizing on those channels which become the voice of masses. As we see there is a tussle between Ary News and Government. we are not able to understand why the government is creating such problem for a Ary News channel.
As we know that Ary news channel based on truth. It shows all those facts which are unable to show others channels. It always speaks against the corrupt government. Recently in Ary news program Sar e Aam told the facts and reality of railway and the corruption of railway's minister. They declared how wine and weapons are easily smuggled from one city to another city, But instead of encouragement government decided to arrest Sar e Aam team with host Iqrar ul Hassan.
Watch a Clip in which Sar e Aam team Investigating railways corruption.
The present government (PML-N) is base on democracy and the democracy means government of the people for the people by the people. Unfortunately the progress of democracy in Pakistan has been most irregular and unsatisfied. Democratic government should tolerate any criticism but government banned the news channel especially ary news.
The tussle between the government and Ary new started due to the program Khara Sach hosted by mubashir luqman he is a noble man and he does not give a damn about threats by government. He is an honest man and one of the most respectable generalist in Pakistan. He will never go back on his words. He talk against government in his programs and also shows the corruption which has done by government. He has ability to speak any corrupt government.
Another reason of tussle between Ary news and PMLN Government Based on PTI Imran Khan and Tahir ul Qadri's Dahrnas. Coverage of Ary News on PTI (Pakistan Tahreek Insaf) is not acceptable for the government.
The tussle now become battle and we can say, Ary News VS PMLN (Government)
We Can Discribe as a image below.
Watch How mubashir Luqman criticizing the government in khara sach
Now a days government is criticizing on those channels which become the voice of masses. As we see there is a tussle between Ary News and Government. we are not able to understand why the government is creating such problem for a Ary News channel.
As we know that Ary news channel based on truth. It shows all those facts which are unable to show others channels. It always speaks against the corrupt government. Recently in Ary news program Sar e Aam told the facts and reality of railway and the corruption of railway's minister. They declared how wine and weapons are easily smuggled from one city to another city, But instead of encouragement government decided to arrest Sar e Aam team with host Iqrar ul Hassan.
Watch a Clip in which Sar e Aam team Investigating railways corruption.
The present government (PML-N) is base on democracy and the democracy means government of the people for the people by the people. Unfortunately the progress of democracy in Pakistan has been most irregular and unsatisfied. Democratic government should tolerate any criticism but government banned the news channel especially ary news.
The tussle between the government and Ary new started due to the program Khara Sach hosted by mubashir luqman he is a noble man and he does not give a damn about threats by government. He is an honest man and one of the most respectable generalist in Pakistan. He will never go back on his words. He talk against government in his programs and also shows the corruption which has done by government. He has ability to speak any corrupt government.
Another reason of tussle between Ary news and PMLN Government Based on PTI Imran Khan and Tahir ul Qadri's Dahrnas. Coverage of Ary News on PTI (Pakistan Tahreek Insaf) is not acceptable for the government.
The tussle now become battle and we can say, Ary News VS PMLN (Government)
We Can Discribe as a image below.

Watch How mubashir Luqman criticizing the government in khara sach
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