Monday, December 22, 2014

This happens only in Pakistan

When there is ignorance and superstitious beliefs, there are fraud masters and imposters who rob people in the name of religion. The story ... thumbnail 1 summary
When there is ignorance and superstitious beliefs, there are fraud masters and imposters who rob people in the name of religion. The story we are sharing today will support our argument. This mafia is not limited to rural areas as the urban population also fall prey to these thugs. They not only snatch their money but also deprive them off their honor.

Every year, thousands of cases are reported but nothing is done ever against this mafia. Reportedly, these fake saints bribe the police officers and get complete freedom to rob innocent people in return. However, one just cannot put all the blame on authorities as a common man should also use common sense and stay vigilant of these peers.

The lack of knowledge and weak faith and trust in God leads people towards such preachers who claim to solve their problems with their mantras. These oil tongued professional thugs trap innocent minds in their tricks and make them mentally their slaves. Then the time comes when the affected ones open their eyes but nothing is left to see by then.

The best way to protect people from these thugs and imposters is to educate them. It is not only the government’s responsibility to make them realize about true spirit of Islam but we must shoulder our responsibilities as well. The Maddrisas and religious scholars should also come forward and use their influence to cleanse the society of this evil.

For God’s sake, save your families from these imposters

Giving respect to God’s chosen men is good but ignorance and reverence become synonyms sometimes. This exclusive news story will support the earlier mentioned statement as a fake saint has been shown curing female visitors by kissing them. This shocking video has left the whole nation in shock but unfortunately there is no end to this evil yet.

All over Pakistan especially in the rural areas, such fake preachers and thugs exploit people’s innocence and loot them in the name of religion. This situation is basically the by-product of ignorance and superstitions. Here we bring you a shocking story of an imposter who is playing with the life and honor of his female followers. Check out and do spread the word.

Countless cases are registered ever year but strangely nothing happens to these fake preachers. The one big reason is the corruption in law enforcing departments. These criminals give local police an equal share and enjoy complete freedom to continue their hideous business. They not only rob people off their money but the honor as well.

You must have seen many reports in News channel in which a fake saint raped some lady and completely destroyed her life. These criminals must be brought to justice and government should ensure the implementation of laws in every corner of the country. Only then these imposters will be stopped otherwise they will destroy our generations even.

However, it is also our own responsibility to spread true message of religion to people and make them realize how wrong is this practice. They must be educated and their bond with God almighty must be strengthened. No one can eradicate this evil until there is no ignorance and blind faith in the society. Let’s learn from this case and save our families. Be part of this movement by spreading the post.

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