Mr. Jinnah (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) was leader of All-India Muslim League and founder of Pakistan and served the country as Governor General till his death on 11th September, 1948. Mr. Jinnah was born in Karachi on 25th December, 1976 and became a renowned barrister at Lincoln’s Inn in London and later became a prominent political personality of United India.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah led All-India Muslim League from 1913 till his death and in his leadership Indian Muslims made a powerful struggle for an independent state. It was Jinnah’s dream to create a Muslim state because after experiencing the biasness of Hindus, he was of the view that United India cloud not have worked and rightly so.
Rare Video of Quaid-e-Azam’s Last Public Speech
After unprecedented hard work, long struggle and lots of scarifies, on the date of 14th August 1947 Muhammad Ali Jinnah fulfilled his promise of getting an independent Muslim state and got the title Quaid-e-Azam (The Great Leader) from the nation. Now Pakistani nation called him Quaid-e-Azam or Baba-i-Qaum (Father of Nation).
After the creation of Pakistan, Mr. Jinnah delivered few very important speeches on different occasion and tried to set the course of the nation in right directions. Unfortunately, the recordings of those speeches have been removed by the international establishment which created confusion in the minds of people. It also started a debate between liberals and Islamic ideologues.
Two very important speeches which Muhammad Ali Jinnah delivered on 3rd June and 11th August 1947 are missing from the records and in these speeches he clarified the ideology of Pakistan. The personal diary of Mr. Jinnah is found to be missing as well which might be helpful to resolve the issue but unfortunately it hasn't yet found.
However, In order to resolve the issue of Pakistan will be an Islamic state or secular, it is very important to hear the last speech of Mr. Jinnah which he delivered at the opening of State Bank of Pakistan on 1st July, 1948. In the speech Mr. Jinnah clearly said that the economic system of Pakistan will be based on Islamic principles of social justice. So, this speech has the great importance to resolve the issue and the liberals must acknowledge that in all these years they have been manipulating the minds of nation.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah led All-India Muslim League from 1913 till his death and in his leadership Indian Muslims made a powerful struggle for an independent state. It was Jinnah’s dream to create a Muslim state because after experiencing the biasness of Hindus, he was of the view that United India cloud not have worked and rightly so.
Rare Video of Quaid-e-Azam’s Last Public Speech
After unprecedented hard work, long struggle and lots of scarifies, on the date of 14th August 1947 Muhammad Ali Jinnah fulfilled his promise of getting an independent Muslim state and got the title Quaid-e-Azam (The Great Leader) from the nation. Now Pakistani nation called him Quaid-e-Azam or Baba-i-Qaum (Father of Nation).
After the creation of Pakistan, Mr. Jinnah delivered few very important speeches on different occasion and tried to set the course of the nation in right directions. Unfortunately, the recordings of those speeches have been removed by the international establishment which created confusion in the minds of people. It also started a debate between liberals and Islamic ideologues.
Two very important speeches which Muhammad Ali Jinnah delivered on 3rd June and 11th August 1947 are missing from the records and in these speeches he clarified the ideology of Pakistan. The personal diary of Mr. Jinnah is found to be missing as well which might be helpful to resolve the issue but unfortunately it hasn't yet found.
However, In order to resolve the issue of Pakistan will be an Islamic state or secular, it is very important to hear the last speech of Mr. Jinnah which he delivered at the opening of State Bank of Pakistan on 1st July, 1948. In the speech Mr. Jinnah clearly said that the economic system of Pakistan will be based on Islamic principles of social justice. So, this speech has the great importance to resolve the issue and the liberals must acknowledge that in all these years they have been manipulating the minds of nation.

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