The savvy boys of both sides, India and Pakistan, have started creating their relations in economic point of view. Skeptics are taking it as unfair. The process started with the initial call of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to Narendra Modi the sitting Prime Minister of India.
Narendra Modi then invited Mr. Nawaz Sharif spontaneously to visit in Delhi that was accepted by NS happily. In the same period, Pakistan sent another pleasant message to continue this process by releasing Indian fishermen. Undoubtedly, these fishermen of both sides often become the bone of contention between two countries.
Skeptics, considering the history of South Asia in view, are trying to find out the loop holes to break the conversation process. On the other hand, they also rejected the dialogue merits with a massive breakthrough. Critics explain that there is a wedge between these two countries that need to remove with positive gesture.
It will not only help to get closer but may be more than that. The effort to build up this kind of issues mostly produces positive results as not only it gets hype publically by attracting the attentions but also deeply focused. So a summit level meeting calls with a most important heading to develop relation with positive expectations at the normal level.
Currently, Pakistanis are facing the question repeatedly about the expectations from Narendra Modi. The answer is very simple; we should not have expectations at high level as Modi is known for his grudge for Pakistan. But we all must set the goals on realistic point of view rather portraying pictures and try to start the process of negotiation that left by Atal Behari Vajpayee back in 1999. We, as Pakistanis, must keep in our mind that Narendra Modi does not have same thinking as Atal Behari Vajpayee had.
Off course, both have the same party but Modi has somewhat different orientation. Thinking realistically, we should not have such expectations from Modi government just like we had from his ancestor. On the contrary, Vajpayee himself was very fond of having a legacy of peace and wanted to kill the negative forces between the most important countries of Sub Continent. Although a stiff hostility was faced by his counterparts and policy makers. But it is a naked reality that things have been changed rapidly in the last decade and now the scenario has become is entirely different.
With the trading of commerce constituency even at smaller level, the relation between these opponents would prove beneficial and it will further help the commerce sector to prosper. In December 2011, Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry invited Modi, as the Chief Minister of Gujraat, to visit the city to share the victorious aspects of “Gujraat Model”. But the tour did not get the hype as it was being expected because of several reasons. The big reason was that Modi was allegedly involved in the riots of Gujraat in which a large number of Muslims were killed.
Modi should show willingness to work together using the stage of economic trade bilaterally with the increasing transition trade of Afghanistan as well. Secondly, we can take benefit by increasing cooperation in energy sector as it is already in the lines to sign the agreement of 500 MW that will be transmitted from India to Pakistan.
It would bring somewhat respite in stressed energy sector in Pakistan and will also play an important role in improving the bilateral relations. Pakistan also needs to have better relations with their neighbors especially with India due to the ever changing regional economical dynamics. Now the whole world is depending on its better economic growth despite of dangerous war-weapons. The rest of the world powers are also very keen to develop commercial relations with India.
Sadly, the main contentious problems are yet to be resolved in the process of positive developments. Those stalemated issues need to be focused whole heartedly from both sides. The process of bilateral talks has been scheduled on several occasions but the pattern to tackle these issues remained always the same: talks and talks and talks. However, New Delhi is violating Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in respect of Jammu and Kashmir.
If it continues with the same attitude, it could bring severe outcomes not only in occupied Kashmir but also across the Line of Control. Pakistan has rated Kashmir’s present condition under the article 257 of the Pakistani Constitution. In order to repeal Article 370 has been an uphill task whose most of the provisions have been violated earlier. Finally and most hazardously, this non-serious attitude towards Kashmiris’ rights would create uneasiness in the right wing element. They could encourage the armed campaign and violence in the occupied Kashmir by militants with the native Kashmiri groups.
Narendra Modi then invited Mr. Nawaz Sharif spontaneously to visit in Delhi that was accepted by NS happily. In the same period, Pakistan sent another pleasant message to continue this process by releasing Indian fishermen. Undoubtedly, these fishermen of both sides often become the bone of contention between two countries.
Skeptics, considering the history of South Asia in view, are trying to find out the loop holes to break the conversation process. On the other hand, they also rejected the dialogue merits with a massive breakthrough. Critics explain that there is a wedge between these two countries that need to remove with positive gesture.
It will not only help to get closer but may be more than that. The effort to build up this kind of issues mostly produces positive results as not only it gets hype publically by attracting the attentions but also deeply focused. So a summit level meeting calls with a most important heading to develop relation with positive expectations at the normal level.
Currently, Pakistanis are facing the question repeatedly about the expectations from Narendra Modi. The answer is very simple; we should not have expectations at high level as Modi is known for his grudge for Pakistan. But we all must set the goals on realistic point of view rather portraying pictures and try to start the process of negotiation that left by Atal Behari Vajpayee back in 1999. We, as Pakistanis, must keep in our mind that Narendra Modi does not have same thinking as Atal Behari Vajpayee had.
Off course, both have the same party but Modi has somewhat different orientation. Thinking realistically, we should not have such expectations from Modi government just like we had from his ancestor. On the contrary, Vajpayee himself was very fond of having a legacy of peace and wanted to kill the negative forces between the most important countries of Sub Continent. Although a stiff hostility was faced by his counterparts and policy makers. But it is a naked reality that things have been changed rapidly in the last decade and now the scenario has become is entirely different.
With the trading of commerce constituency even at smaller level, the relation between these opponents would prove beneficial and it will further help the commerce sector to prosper. In December 2011, Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry invited Modi, as the Chief Minister of Gujraat, to visit the city to share the victorious aspects of “Gujraat Model”. But the tour did not get the hype as it was being expected because of several reasons. The big reason was that Modi was allegedly involved in the riots of Gujraat in which a large number of Muslims were killed.
Modi should show willingness to work together using the stage of economic trade bilaterally with the increasing transition trade of Afghanistan as well. Secondly, we can take benefit by increasing cooperation in energy sector as it is already in the lines to sign the agreement of 500 MW that will be transmitted from India to Pakistan.
It would bring somewhat respite in stressed energy sector in Pakistan and will also play an important role in improving the bilateral relations. Pakistan also needs to have better relations with their neighbors especially with India due to the ever changing regional economical dynamics. Now the whole world is depending on its better economic growth despite of dangerous war-weapons. The rest of the world powers are also very keen to develop commercial relations with India.
Sadly, the main contentious problems are yet to be resolved in the process of positive developments. Those stalemated issues need to be focused whole heartedly from both sides. The process of bilateral talks has been scheduled on several occasions but the pattern to tackle these issues remained always the same: talks and talks and talks. However, New Delhi is violating Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in respect of Jammu and Kashmir.
If it continues with the same attitude, it could bring severe outcomes not only in occupied Kashmir but also across the Line of Control. Pakistan has rated Kashmir’s present condition under the article 257 of the Pakistani Constitution. In order to repeal Article 370 has been an uphill task whose most of the provisions have been violated earlier. Finally and most hazardously, this non-serious attitude towards Kashmiris’ rights would create uneasiness in the right wing element. They could encourage the armed campaign and violence in the occupied Kashmir by militants with the native Kashmiri groups.

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