NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is going to leave Afghanistan by the end of the year 2014. This process has been started with the gradual withdrawal of NATO-led forces for the last 2-3 years.
Now Afghanistan is going to enter into a new era of development with hopes of prosperity and stability. Afghan government must have to get ready to face the direct coup with extremism for peace and tranquility. While development is arriving in this region, Afghanistan is still facing horrified situation of economic recession.
“What would happen in the absence of ISAF in Afghanistan”, it is an important question that comes everyone’s mind. Here analysts have been divided into two groups regarding the answer of this question—-optimists and less-optimists. The former group said that Afghanistan can compete with the challenges of economic recession by using its mineral resources.
They further cited their achievements in the transition of security procedure. Now Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) is leading in security affairs all over the country. But the later ones said that without the help of NATO forces. The peace process will get prolonged in Afghanistan because the ANSF is not much capable professionally and also lacks resources.
So it will take time to control over defiant militants. With the reduction process in aid which used to come from American Allies will definitely affect the efforts to reduce fiscal gap which is at high level. On the other hand, the insurgents will be proactive to destroy the mineral resources in the absence of strong law enforcement agencies.
Two important arguments are painting the real picture of affairs that are very reasonable to argue. Even though the international community and their partners are fully motivated to help Afghanistan to get rid from its rivals as they have promised in Bonn Conference back in 2011. But it is a naked reality that these pledges never ever come into real actions for helping the affected countries.
Here arises another question about the capability of Afghanistan whether its leadership can manage the whole country with disturbed economic situations and definite insurgent attacks. US President Barack Obama also mentioned in a press conference that they are managing about 9800 troops to leave Afghanistan after 2014.
It will help the Afghan Government to overcome the present turmoil condition in the long run. On the other hand, international community also wants to get rid from these so called responsibilities after the big economic recession that has wrapped the whole West.
Such crucial conditions, as in Afghanistan, attract the external forces to intervene and give opportunities to build state functioning structure for them after the withdrawal of allied forces. But, it is impossible to create such structures in Afghanistan within a short span of time.
The Allies of UN are now trying to create ownership behavior in local government by centrifugal process which is going against them by making interior flaws. This effort is also helping to reunite older networks and is breaking the UN mission into pieces in Afghanistan. Consequently, it lessens the ability of local government to get ownership and have growth capacity to develop the structures including accountability.
After realizing the actual-bitter situation of local government, international community with their allies changed their policies to get a foster tranquility and sustainability in 2014. They also decided in the Bonn Conference not to leave the Afghan government alone after withdrawal at the hands of insurgents.
They are fully focused over their combat role and wanted to end up. They have intentions to train the Afghan forces till such time they would not be able to secure themselves and the whole country. In the Chicago Summit held in 2012, international community agreed to help the Afghans in the form of raising funds in billions of dollars until Afghan forces do not overcome this bitter situation.
Unfortunately, these assurances and promises are inadequate for the stumbling economic situation of Afghanistan. At time, this country is facing the problem of incapability of local government, having security threats and prevalent dishonest behavior in the form of corruption.
Afghan government is also unable to sustain the declining revenue which will help in the deterioration of ebb day by day. In this scenario, the above said commitments of international community would not be enough to provide the long term solutions. US have had a treaty with the name of Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with Afghanistan that needs to be signed as soon as possible.
It is somewhat apparent that Afghans are little bit eager to have ownership for their upcoming future but the truth is they are not well equipped, suffering in bad economic recession and also have security threats. However, if Afghans do not lose heart and start to evaluate the problems from the regional point of view along with its neighbours and partners, then it will definitely be able to overcome these issues effectively.
Now Afghanistan is going to enter into a new era of development with hopes of prosperity and stability. Afghan government must have to get ready to face the direct coup with extremism for peace and tranquility. While development is arriving in this region, Afghanistan is still facing horrified situation of economic recession.
“What would happen in the absence of ISAF in Afghanistan”, it is an important question that comes everyone’s mind. Here analysts have been divided into two groups regarding the answer of this question—-optimists and less-optimists. The former group said that Afghanistan can compete with the challenges of economic recession by using its mineral resources.
They further cited their achievements in the transition of security procedure. Now Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) is leading in security affairs all over the country. But the later ones said that without the help of NATO forces. The peace process will get prolonged in Afghanistan because the ANSF is not much capable professionally and also lacks resources.
So it will take time to control over defiant militants. With the reduction process in aid which used to come from American Allies will definitely affect the efforts to reduce fiscal gap which is at high level. On the other hand, the insurgents will be proactive to destroy the mineral resources in the absence of strong law enforcement agencies.
Two important arguments are painting the real picture of affairs that are very reasonable to argue. Even though the international community and their partners are fully motivated to help Afghanistan to get rid from its rivals as they have promised in Bonn Conference back in 2011. But it is a naked reality that these pledges never ever come into real actions for helping the affected countries.
Here arises another question about the capability of Afghanistan whether its leadership can manage the whole country with disturbed economic situations and definite insurgent attacks. US President Barack Obama also mentioned in a press conference that they are managing about 9800 troops to leave Afghanistan after 2014.
It will help the Afghan Government to overcome the present turmoil condition in the long run. On the other hand, international community also wants to get rid from these so called responsibilities after the big economic recession that has wrapped the whole West.
Such crucial conditions, as in Afghanistan, attract the external forces to intervene and give opportunities to build state functioning structure for them after the withdrawal of allied forces. But, it is impossible to create such structures in Afghanistan within a short span of time.
The Allies of UN are now trying to create ownership behavior in local government by centrifugal process which is going against them by making interior flaws. This effort is also helping to reunite older networks and is breaking the UN mission into pieces in Afghanistan. Consequently, it lessens the ability of local government to get ownership and have growth capacity to develop the structures including accountability.
After realizing the actual-bitter situation of local government, international community with their allies changed their policies to get a foster tranquility and sustainability in 2014. They also decided in the Bonn Conference not to leave the Afghan government alone after withdrawal at the hands of insurgents.
They are fully focused over their combat role and wanted to end up. They have intentions to train the Afghan forces till such time they would not be able to secure themselves and the whole country. In the Chicago Summit held in 2012, international community agreed to help the Afghans in the form of raising funds in billions of dollars until Afghan forces do not overcome this bitter situation.
Unfortunately, these assurances and promises are inadequate for the stumbling economic situation of Afghanistan. At time, this country is facing the problem of incapability of local government, having security threats and prevalent dishonest behavior in the form of corruption.
Afghan government is also unable to sustain the declining revenue which will help in the deterioration of ebb day by day. In this scenario, the above said commitments of international community would not be enough to provide the long term solutions. US have had a treaty with the name of Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with Afghanistan that needs to be signed as soon as possible.
It is somewhat apparent that Afghans are little bit eager to have ownership for their upcoming future but the truth is they are not well equipped, suffering in bad economic recession and also have security threats. However, if Afghans do not lose heart and start to evaluate the problems from the regional point of view along with its neighbours and partners, then it will definitely be able to overcome these issues effectively.

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