Learn about Auto CAD in Urdu,
In these tutorials you can watch Introduction of AutoCAD, Projects, Sample Projects, Complicated Projects, Using the Modify Commands, Drawing Accuracy, Grips and units, Polygons & Ellipses, Using Layers, Adding dimensions to your drawings, Floorplan layout, Hatch Patterns and much more you can learn about AutoCaD 2012.
Watch These Videos.
Introduction to AutoCAD 2012 - Urdu Tutorial part1
In these tutorials you can watch Introduction of AutoCAD, Projects, Sample Projects, Complicated Projects, Using the Modify Commands, Drawing Accuracy, Grips and units, Polygons & Ellipses, Using Layers, Adding dimensions to your drawings, Floorplan layout, Hatch Patterns and much more you can learn about AutoCaD 2012.
Watch These Videos.
Introduction to AutoCAD 2012 - Urdu Tutorial part1
AutoCAD 2012 urdu tutorial part2 - Using the modify commands
AutoCAD 2012 urdu tutorial part3 - Using the modify commands pt2
AutoCAD 2012 Urdu Tutorial part 4- Drawing Accuracy
AutoCAD 2012 urdu tutorial pt5- Grips and units
AutoCAD 2012 urdu tutorial pt6 - Polygons & Ellipses
AutoCAD 2012 Urdu Tutorial part 7- Using Layers
AutoCAD Tutorial in Urdu part8 - Adding dimensions to your drawings
AutoCAD 2012 urdu tutorial part9 - Floorplan layout
AutoCAD 2012 urdu tutorial part10 - Hatch Patterns

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