LONDON: Their is new research about using energy drink which is good but it will effect the comfort sleep.

Energy drinks become part of our lives. A lot of energy drinks are used in daily life to get some energy for body and to become energetic to perform well in daily work. These energy drinks might
give you some pep but it can cause you the heart problem and might raise the blood pressure.
It can be raise to unhealthy levels by using these drinks regularly. These drinks are bieng used by the young peoples the most the adults. But they are more effected because they did not consume caffeine regularly. Because the experience made by the researchers is on adults young people whose age are from 19 to 40. The researches measure blood pressure before and after taking the drinks. These participant experienced more rise in blood pressure after taking the energy drinks. The dramatic increase in blood pressure suggest that how these drinks become dangerous.
The small increase in blood pressure can have deadly consequences. But it depends also on your age. Specially in older people those with hypertension a moderate increase may be cause for concern. It is experienced by the researchers that after consuming the energy drinks by the people cause the high blood pressure than they consume the coffee drinks.
The consumption of energy drinks in excessive way can cause also the other disease like poor memory , hallucinations ,abnormal heart rhythm, substance abuse, and risk taking behaviors.
1-Caffeine dependence. 2- Insomnia 3- Affects the mood. 5- Sugar Rush. 5- Stresses Organs.
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