Adhan by Ali Abdur Rahman Ahmad Mulla at Masjid Al-Haram
Subhanallah I was always wonder what was the age of the muaddhin when I was fortunate enough to be in masjidil al Haraam now months later Allah answered my thought!! Allahu Akbar! It's just only a thought and not a proper dua. Ya Rabbi I am more humble everytime You show something to me.
Masya Allah he has beautiful voice and I thought he is in mid 30s by the voice but he is much older than my poor assumption.
Ya Rabb beautify this earth with beautiful adhan. Amin
Subhanallah I was always wonder what was the age of the muaddhin when I was fortunate enough to be in masjidil al Haraam now months later Allah answered my thought!! Allahu Akbar! It's just only a thought and not a proper dua. Ya Rabbi I am more humble everytime You show something to me.
Masya Allah he has beautiful voice and I thought he is in mid 30s by the voice but he is much older than my poor assumption.
Ya Rabb beautify this earth with beautiful adhan. Amin

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