A Muslim brother said, after returning from performing the obligatory Haj: A respectable lady whose name is Yusriyah ‘Abdur Rahman Harraz, who was performing Haj with us under the auspices of the Ministry of Awqaf, told us about the miracle that happened to her by the blessing of Zamzam water. Many years ago she suffered a corneal ulcer in her left eye which resulted in a migraine pain that never left her by night or day, and painkillers did nothing to reduce the pain. Moreover, she had lost almost all vision in the affected eye, because there was a white film over it. She went to a senior eye doctor who confirmed that there was no way to end the pain except with an injection that would kill the pain but at the same time would permanently affect the eye, so she would never see again.
The woman was very upset by this news, but she put her trust in the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, and was certain that He would grant her the means of healing despite the doctors’ view that hope was very slim. She decided to do ‘Umrah so that she would be able to seek healing directly from Allah at His sacred House.
She came to Makkah and circumambulated the Ka‘bah. There were not many people doing Tawaf at that time, so she was able, as she said, to kiss the Black Stone and touch her afflicted eye to it. Then she went to Zamzam and filled a cup, and she washed her eye with it. After that she completed Sa‘i and went back to the hotel where she was staying. After she returned to the hotel, she was surprised to note that her sick eye had become perfectly sound and that the symptoms of corneal ulcer had disappeared without a trace.
How was the ulcer eradicated without surgery? How could the eye for which there was no hope have been restored without any treatment?
She told her doctor about what had happened, and all he could do was cry out from the depths of his heart “Allahu Akbar.” This woman, whom medicine had failed to treat, was treated by the Greatest Doctor in His Divine clinic of which His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, spoke when he said: “Zamzam water is for that for which it is drunk.” (Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah; saheeh)
Removal of kidney stones without surgery
The following story, and others that we hear or read from those who have undergone these experiences, indicate the truth of what the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said about the blessed well of Zamzam. The narrator of this story, Dr. Farooq ‘Antar, says, “A few years ago I was diagnosed with stones in the ureter, and doctors determined that it would be impossible to remove them except by means of surgery, but I delayed having surgery twice. Then Allah inspired me to perform ‘Umrah and ask Him to bless me with healing and removal of these stones without surgery.”
Dr. Farooq traveled to Makkah and performed ‘Umrah; he drank Zamzam water and kissed the Black Stone, then he prayed two Rak‘ahs (units) before leaving the Haram. He felt a stabbing pain in the ureter, and rushed to the washroom, where the miracle took place: A large stone came out and he was cured without having to enter the operating room. The passing of this stone was a surprise to the doctors who were treating him and watching his case.
(Al-‘Ijaz Al-‘Ilmi Fil-Islam Was-Sunnah An-Nabawiyah)
Zamzam Water and Recovery from Cancer
Zamzam is the best spring water of all, and is the finest of waters. It is proved in Sunan Ibn Majah that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Zamzam water is for that for which it is drunk.”
And it is proved in Saheeh Muslim that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said to Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, after he had stayed between the Ka‘bah and its cover for forty days with no food other than Zamzam water: “It is food that nourishes.”
According to other reports, “It is food that nourishes and a healing from sickness.”
Many Muslims have tried that and proved the ability of this good water to heal many diseases by the leave of Allah, the Exalted. This is in addition to its sweetness, freshness and ability to strengthen the body. Zamzam still brings massive benefit to the people of Earth on the command of its Lord, as it has done since Allah, the Almighty, caused it to spring forth to quench the thirst of His slave and Prophet Isma’eel and his mother Hajar, and will continue to do so until the Day of Judgment.
An amazing story happened to a Moroccan lady called Layla Al-Helou. Cancer had spread throughout her chest and the doctors determined that she would not live more than three months, after it was established that the cancer had metastasized. Her husband suggested that she should travel to Makkah and perform ‘Umrah, and she did indeed travel to the holy lands and secluded herself in the sacred House of Allah, where she persisted in drinking Zamzam water and was content to eat alongside it just one piece of bread or one egg per day. She spent all her time in prayer, reading Qur’an, supplicating and beseeching Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted.
Layla says: “For four days I could not tell if it was night or day; I read the entire Qur’an many times, and in my prayers I would make my prostration lengthy, weeping much for what I had missed out on of drawing close to Allah by means of acts of worship both obligatory and supererogatory, Dhikr and Du‘a’. A few days later I noticed that the red spots with which my body was covered had disappeared completely, and I felt in my heart that something had happened. I decided to go back to Paris where I was being treated, to consult the doctors. There the doctors were very surprised. After re-examining me several times, they told me that there was no trace of the cancer that had filled every inch of my chest! I left them in their amazement and wonder and went back to my own country to tell people the story of my healing.”
(from Islamic Medicine: The Key to a Better Life by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad, Published by Darussalam)
The woman was very upset by this news, but she put her trust in the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, and was certain that He would grant her the means of healing despite the doctors’ view that hope was very slim. She decided to do ‘Umrah so that she would be able to seek healing directly from Allah at His sacred House.
She came to Makkah and circumambulated the Ka‘bah. There were not many people doing Tawaf at that time, so she was able, as she said, to kiss the Black Stone and touch her afflicted eye to it. Then she went to Zamzam and filled a cup, and she washed her eye with it. After that she completed Sa‘i and went back to the hotel where she was staying. After she returned to the hotel, she was surprised to note that her sick eye had become perfectly sound and that the symptoms of corneal ulcer had disappeared without a trace.
How was the ulcer eradicated without surgery? How could the eye for which there was no hope have been restored without any treatment?
She told her doctor about what had happened, and all he could do was cry out from the depths of his heart “Allahu Akbar.” This woman, whom medicine had failed to treat, was treated by the Greatest Doctor in His Divine clinic of which His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, spoke when he said: “Zamzam water is for that for which it is drunk.” (Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah; saheeh)
Removal of kidney stones without surgery
The following story, and others that we hear or read from those who have undergone these experiences, indicate the truth of what the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said about the blessed well of Zamzam. The narrator of this story, Dr. Farooq ‘Antar, says, “A few years ago I was diagnosed with stones in the ureter, and doctors determined that it would be impossible to remove them except by means of surgery, but I delayed having surgery twice. Then Allah inspired me to perform ‘Umrah and ask Him to bless me with healing and removal of these stones without surgery.”
Dr. Farooq traveled to Makkah and performed ‘Umrah; he drank Zamzam water and kissed the Black Stone, then he prayed two Rak‘ahs (units) before leaving the Haram. He felt a stabbing pain in the ureter, and rushed to the washroom, where the miracle took place: A large stone came out and he was cured without having to enter the operating room. The passing of this stone was a surprise to the doctors who were treating him and watching his case.
(Al-‘Ijaz Al-‘Ilmi Fil-Islam Was-Sunnah An-Nabawiyah)
Zamzam Water and Recovery from Cancer
Zamzam is the best spring water of all, and is the finest of waters. It is proved in Sunan Ibn Majah that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Zamzam water is for that for which it is drunk.”
And it is proved in Saheeh Muslim that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said to Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, after he had stayed between the Ka‘bah and its cover for forty days with no food other than Zamzam water: “It is food that nourishes.”
According to other reports, “It is food that nourishes and a healing from sickness.”
Many Muslims have tried that and proved the ability of this good water to heal many diseases by the leave of Allah, the Exalted. This is in addition to its sweetness, freshness and ability to strengthen the body. Zamzam still brings massive benefit to the people of Earth on the command of its Lord, as it has done since Allah, the Almighty, caused it to spring forth to quench the thirst of His slave and Prophet Isma’eel and his mother Hajar, and will continue to do so until the Day of Judgment.
An amazing story happened to a Moroccan lady called Layla Al-Helou. Cancer had spread throughout her chest and the doctors determined that she would not live more than three months, after it was established that the cancer had metastasized. Her husband suggested that she should travel to Makkah and perform ‘Umrah, and she did indeed travel to the holy lands and secluded herself in the sacred House of Allah, where she persisted in drinking Zamzam water and was content to eat alongside it just one piece of bread or one egg per day. She spent all her time in prayer, reading Qur’an, supplicating and beseeching Allah, may He be Glorified and Exalted.
Layla says: “For four days I could not tell if it was night or day; I read the entire Qur’an many times, and in my prayers I would make my prostration lengthy, weeping much for what I had missed out on of drawing close to Allah by means of acts of worship both obligatory and supererogatory, Dhikr and Du‘a’. A few days later I noticed that the red spots with which my body was covered had disappeared completely, and I felt in my heart that something had happened. I decided to go back to Paris where I was being treated, to consult the doctors. There the doctors were very surprised. After re-examining me several times, they told me that there was no trace of the cancer that had filled every inch of my chest! I left them in their amazement and wonder and went back to my own country to tell people the story of my healing.”
(from Islamic Medicine: The Key to a Better Life by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad, Published by Darussalam)

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